SPARC Webinars

An updated list of SPARC webinars

Visit SPARC's Webinar YouTube channel for all webinars.

All's FAIR in Image Segmentation

MBF Bioscience presented a webinar demonstrating how to use several automated image segmentation tools in Neurolucida 360 for qualitative and quantitative analysis. SPARC researchers can access organ and species-specific vocabulary terminology lists from the SciCrunch ontology database for FAIR anatomical annotation in Neurolucida 360, Vesselucida 360, and Tissue Mapper.

Presenters: Maci Heal, Aidan Sullivan, Susan Tappan (MBF Bioscience, Williston, VT)

Co-presenters: Tom Gillespie, Maryann Martone (UCSD, San Diego, CA)

In this webinar, you will learn how:

  • To use automated and semi-automated image segmentation tools in Neurolucida 360
  • To obtain morphometric data from image segmentation files using Neurolucida Explorer
  • The latest SPARC integrations in MBF software can make your data more findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable by complying with the FAIR data principles

MBF Webinar

The Bond Graph/CellML Approach to Formulating Physically Based Models

A webinar by Peter Hunter from the Auckland Bioengineering Institute describing the use of a bond graph-based approach for constructing models of physiological systems. Presented in the context of building functional maps for the NIH SPARC program.

Presenter: Peter Hunter (Auckland Bioengineering Institute, Auckland, New Zealand)

Webinar by Peter

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