Citing SPARC Datasets and Models in Manuscripts
SPARC Program dataset & model citation guidelines
The SPARC Portal supports the Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles, which states: “Sound, reproducible scholarship rests upon a foundation of robust, accessible data. For this to be so in practice as well as theory, data must be accorded due importance in the practice of scholarship and in the enduring scholarly record. In other words, data should be considered legitimate, citable products of research. Data citation, like the citation of other evidence and sources, is good research practice and is part of the scholarly ecosystem supporting data reuse.”
To promote reproducibility and give credit to investigators who publish their data and models, we recommend the following practices for citing a SPARC dataset or model. To make it easy, the SPARC Portal provides the full citation text, including the option of different formats, under the Cite tab of each landing page.
- In the Methods or Data Availability section of your manuscript:
Data associated with this study, Achanta et al. (2020)*, were collected as part of the Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC) program and are available through the SPARC Portal (RRID: SCR_017041) under a CC-BY 4.0 license.
A detailed experimental protocol is available through
- In the References section of your manuscript:
The full data citation should be included in the reference list, as per recommendations of the Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles and the policy being adopted by Nature Scientific Data. It can also be included in the data availability statement but should appear in the following form:
Authors, Year, Title of the dataset, Version number, Data platform, DOI.
Of course, this information will be formatted according to the specific journal's style. To make it easy, the SPARC Portal provides a formatted data citation on the "Cite" tab which can be exported into several bibliographic styles and imported into reference managers.
Example of citation of dataset on the SPARC Portal:
Achanta, S., Robbins, S., Moss, A., Gorky, J., Nieves, S., Tappan, S., Heal, M., Leung, C., Chen, J., Cheng, Z., Schwaber, J., & Vadigepalli, R. (2019). Molecular Phenotype Distribution of Single Rat Intracardiac Neurons (Version 6) [Data set]. SPARC Consortium.
Example of citation of model on the SPARC Portal:
Marshall, D. P., Zamani, P. T., Musselman, E. D., Grill, W. M., Pelot, N. A., Zhuang, K., & Iavarone, E. (2023). ASCENT Guided Mode Demo (Version 1). SPARC Portal.
- see for example dataset 364
Example of models published only on o²S²PARC:
Marshall, D. P., Zamani, P. T., Musselman, E. D., Grill, W. M., Pelot, N. A., Zhuang, K., & Iavarone, E. (2023). ASCENT Guided Mode Demo (Version 1). o2S2PARC
The above requires a login. For one that is completely open, see for example:
To see how to Cite Other SPARC Resources, please see this link.
Updated 4 months ago