Connecting MBF Bioscience Software to the Pennsieve Platform
Configuring SPARC's Pennsieve platform to connect with MBF Bioscience software
Before you move files to and from Pennsieve using MBF Bioscience software, you need to configure the Pennsieve Agent. This procedure only needs to be done once.
Create the folders necessary for your datasets on the Pennsieve platform according to the appropriate SPARC dataset structure (you can't create folders in MBF Bioscience software).
From MBF Bioscience software, connect to the Pennsieve platform. Click the SPARC PENNSIEVE PLATFORM button in the TRACE ribbon bar and log in using your Pennsieve login information.
Create an API key to enable the Upload functionality (you only need to do this once unless you wish to use different profiles):
b. Enter an API PROFILE NAME (any name that makes sense to you)
c. Click GENERATE.
To download a single file, click the name of the file and save it locally.
To download all the files from a folder, click the name of the folder to view all the files located in the folder, click the DOWNLOAD ALL button, and save the files locally.
To upload a folder (you can't upload individual files):
Click the UPLOAD button.
Select folder to upload.
NOTE: Do NOT include spaces in your folder names. Uploading folders with names that include spaces will fail.
Updated almost 2 years ago