SPARC Portal Map Annotation Tool

A guide for viewing and creating annotations in a map

For any given flatmap or scaffold map on the SPARC Portal, authorized users can now view and create annotations for desired features. Authorized users need to be logged in to the SPARC Portal in order to access these features. Map annotations made using this tool are stored in a database on the map server. As appropriate, these annotations are exported for ingestion and curation using SCKAN Composer. Once they pass through curation and are accepted into SCKAN they become standard knowledge used to construct the map.

As shown in Figure 1, clicking on the Change Settings icon allows the Viewing Mode to be changed.

Figure 1: The viewing mode can be changed using the settings menu.

Figure 1: The viewing mode can be changed using the settings menu.

As shown in Figure 1.1, The Drawn By and Annotated By selection box will be displayed below the Viewing Mode.

The Drawn By is used to switch the display of All tools, Point, LineString, Polygon, or None drawn features. The selection box will not fire any draw event. The toolbar will dynamically change according to the selected tool. (Find out more about the toolbar below)

  • All tools or None. When too many drawn features exist on the map, None will provide a better drawing experience.

  • Point

  • Line string

  • Polygon

The Annotated By is used to switch the display of the drawn annotation features, which are annotated by either Anyone, Me, or Others.

Figure 1.1: The drawn by and annotated by selection will be displayed in the **settings** menu.

Figure 1.1: The drawn by and annotated by selection will be displayed in the settings menu.

Selecting Annotation will then prompt the annotations tooltip when selecting features (as shown in Figure 2). This tooltip displays information relating to the selected feature, including the feature’s ID, name, model, and resource.

Figure 2: Clicking on a feature prompts the annotation tooltip.

Figure 2: Clicking on a feature prompts the annotation tooltip.

Users who are signed in and have been added to the Annotation Team will be able to view and add annotations to features.

Figure 3: When signed into the SPARC Portal, annotation team members are able to select the pencil icon to view existing annotations and to create new annotations about the selected feature.

Figure 3: When signed into the SPARC Portal, annotation team members are able to select the pencil icon to view existing annotations and to create new annotations about the selected feature.

As shown in Figure 3.1, the annotator toolbar will be displayed at the bottom of the window. It contains three main parts: connection, draw tools and annotation modes.

Figure 3.1: Annotation tool with draw functionality.

Figure 3.1: Annotation tool with draw functionality.

How does the Connection work?

The Connection icon can pop up a draggable dialog when a drawn line feature type is stored as connectivity. When the Connection dialog is displayed, the Draw Tools will be disabled.

  1. Clicked on an existing drawn line feature. The Connection icon will be activated.
  2. Clicked on the Connection icon. The dialog will pop up and show all the feature nodes that the drawn line feature passed through (as shown in Figure 3.2).
  3. Clicked on the name, related feature annotations can be viewed (as shown in Figure 3.3).
Figure 3.2: Connectivity drawn line feature can pop up the dialog to check related features.

Figure 3.2: Connectivity drawn line feature can pop up the dialog to check related features.

Figure 3.3: Clicked on the related feature name can pop up its feature annotations.

Figure 3.3: Clicked on the related feature name can pop up its feature annotations.

How do the Draw Tools work?

The Draw Tools provide three draw type options: Point, LineString, and Polygon. The Draw Modes will be disabled once you start drawing. All three types of drawing are drawn by clicking the left mouse button. Pressing the ESC key will discard the current drawing. Pressing the Enter/Return key or clicking again on the last drawn position will finish the drawing (invalid drawings will be discarded). Once a drawing is finished, the draggable Finalise drawing dialog will be displayed.

  1. Clicked on any tool. Drawing start (as shown in Figure 3.4).
  2. Clicked on any place on the map. In drawing.
    1. Point: One click.
    2. Line: At least two clicks on different positions to draw a line.
    3. Polygon: At least three clicks on different positions to draw a polygon.
  3. Finished drawing. A dialog will pop up (as shown in Figure 3.4.1, Point and Polygon will not have related features displayed in the dialog).
Figure 3.4.1: Finalise drawing confirmation dialog.

Figure 3.4.1: Finalise drawing confirmation dialog.

  1. Clicked on confirm to pop up the Feature Annotations for the drawn feature (similar to what is shown in Figures 3, 4, and 5).

Figure 3.4: example for drawing a connectivity line feature.
Figure 3.4: Example for drawing a connectivity line feature.

Figure 3.4: Example for drawing a connectivity line feature.

How do the Draw Modes work?

There are two types of modes provided: Edit and Delete. While in any Draw Mode, the Draw Tools will be disabled.

Edit Mode

Edit action will require the Edit Mode to be on. There are two types of editing,

  • Single-click on the drawn feature, then move its position to update (as shown in Figure 3.5). Two options are provided for position updating, either update the feature position directly or update the feature position after submitting a comment (similar to what is shown in Figures 3, 4, or 5).
  • Double-click on the drawn feature to update (as shown in Figure 3.6).
Figure 3.5: feature annotations dialog for updating drawn feature position.

Figure 3.5: feature annotations dialog for updating drawn feature position.

Figure 3.6: feature annotations dialog for updating drawn feature

Figure 3.6: feature annotations dialog for updating drawn feature

Delete Mode

Delete action will require the Delete Mode to be on. As shown in Figure 3.5, clicking on any drawn feature will pop up the Feature Annotation for deletion. Two options are provided for deleting, either delete the feature directly or delete the feature after submitting a comment (similar to what is shown in Figures 3, 4, or 5).

Figure 3.7: feature annotations dialog for deleting drawn feature.

Figure 3.7: feature annotations dialog for deleting drawn feature.



These features are also available and behave similarly for the Functional Connectivity and 3D scaffold maps, as well as any given scaffold.

Figure 4: The annotation features are available for the FC and 3D maps.

Figure 4: The annotation features are available for the FC and 3D maps.

Figure 5: The annotations features are also available for scaffolds.

Figure 5: The annotations features are also available for scaffolds.

How to get authorized?

As aforementioned, only authorized users can access, view, and add annotations. This refers to the user’s account being a part of the Annotation Team. At this time, we envision only invited users to be authorized to use this capability on the SPARC Portal. Authorisation can be requested, however, via the SPARC Portal by utilizing the Contact Us page.

As shown below, on the Contact Us page, select Share Feedback with the reason I am interested in a SPARC Service. Enter your details, and under Additional information, express your interest in being a part of the Annotation Team for the SPARC Maps. After review, users may then be granted the capability to view and add annotations to SPARC Maps and Scaffolds.

Figure 6: The Share Feedback section of the contact page. Requests for annotation access can be made here.

Figure 6: The Share Feedback section of the contact page. Requests for annotation access can be made here.