The SPARC Program core supporting data workflow
The SPARC Data Coordination Core (DAT-Core), formerly at Blackfynn, Inc., is now implemented by the Pennsieve platform at the University of Pennsylvania. Pennsieve expands on the work done at Blackfynn to develop cloud-based solutions for data management and analysis for the neurosciences. As part of the SPARC OT award, the Pennsieve Team will develop functionality in their platform to support the SPARC data submission workflow. Investigators submit datasets for curation and publication to the SPARC Portal through the SPARC, or other dedicated consortium, workspace on the Pennsieve data management platform. The platform is developed with sustainability in mind assuring that the DAT-Core platform will continue to be viable beyond the funding horizon of the SPARC program, and the scope of the SPARC initiative.
Contact the DAT-Core
There are a number of ways to get in contact with the DAT-Core:
For all support questions about the platform, feedback, and bug reports, please reach out to us in one of the following ways to ensure that the DAT-Core development team will prioritize your feedback within Pennsieve to guarantee a quick response.
- Use the contact us icon in the upper right-hand corner on the Pennsieve homepage
- Email the Pennsieve Support Team ([email protected])
- Join the weekly office hours 1pm-2pm (EST) every Monday
For more general questions about the SPARC effort and the role of the DAT-Core, please contact the DAT-Core Project Manager, Jacqueline Boccanfuso ([email protected]) or Principal Investigator, Dr. Joost Wagenaar ([email protected]) by email or through the SPARC Slack account, or contact the Pennsieve team using #pennsieve-support in the SPARC Slack account.
For other general questions about Pennsieve or scientific data management, please contact Dr. Joost Wagenaar ([email protected]) by email.
Support Documentation for the DAT-Core
The SPARC DAT-Core is implemented by Pennsieve, and SPARC investigators can refer to the Pennsieve platform documentation as a reference for the SPARC DAT-Core.
There are two types of documentation for the Pennsieve platform:
- General documentation: General documentation about the DAT-Core platform and ways to leverage the platform for scientific data management
- Developer center: The developer center can be used to download the Pennsieve client tools, see the open API, and can be referenced for tutorials for MATLAB, Python, and CLI.
Using Pennsieve outside of SPARC
SPARC investigators may use the Pennsieve platform to organize their scientific data outside of the SPARC effort within their individual accounts. If you are interested in using the Pennsieve platform to manage your scientific data needs, please email Dr. Joost Wagenaar ([email protected]).
Updated 12 months ago