SPARC Platform Integrations

An overview of platforms associated with SPARC

Pennsieve Data Management Platform

The Pennsieve Data Management Platform provides a scalable cloud-based solution for collaborative scientific research. The platform offers advanced functionality to organize files and complex metadata describing datasets and allows users to interact with, search, and analyze these data through the web application or programmatically using our Python client. In addition, the platform provides an end-to-end solution for publishing datasets (through Pennsieve Discover, assigning DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) and ensuring that published data becomes available to the broader academic community in a sustainable and FAIR.


A platform developed and maintained by the FAIR Data Informatics Lab at UCSD for providing unified search across independently maintained databases and other data resources. The platform includes data ingestion, curation tools and vocabulary services.


An online platform that hosts simulations of physiological processes contributed by SPARC groups and maintained by SIM-Core. Through the SPARC Portal, any user can directly investigate a particular contributed simulation through a “Run Simulation” link. They will then be able to change simulation parameters and run the simulation pipeline. Registered users who have an o²S²PARC account will have access to greater functionality such as editing existing simulation workflows and creating their simulations.


The SPARC Portal uses Biolucida, an image serving and management platform developed by MBF Bioscience. It consists of server and client components, which communicate to deliver full-resolution images to viewers over the web. is an online platform for sharing, creating, and managing experimental protocols. Datasets in SPARC are accompanied by experimental protocols to provide details about how the data were generated and collected. SPARC investigators are required to make these experimental protocols available through the SPARC group, which are then linked to the data set in Pennsieve Discover portal. Protocols are private to the consortium until the accompanying data are made public. Protocols released to the public are assigned a DOI so they can be appropriately referenced. Many journals allow links to protocols in to be included in research articles.

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