Using the AWS Command Line Interface to Access Large SPARC Datasets

SPARC AWS Tutorial Parts 3 and 4: How to install the AWS Command Line Interface

Installing the AWS Command Line Interface

In this third video we teach you how to Install the AWS Command Line Interface to allow you to interact with data on the AWS cloud from your local machine. Installing the client will allow you to log into you AWS account and send requests to AWS to download data.

Downloading SPARC datasets using the AWS Command Line Interface

In this final AWS Tutorial video we walk you through the steps of downloading or transferring with an AWS S3 Bucket a SPARC dataset through the Amazon Command Line Interface. It assumes you previously have setup your AWS account and have the CLI installed on your machine.

Videos in this tutorial series:

  1. About AWS and why it is used for SPARC Datasets over 5GB
  2. How to get an AWS Account
  3. How to install the AWS Command Line Interface (this video)
  4. How to download or transfer with the AWS Command Line Interface (this video)