SPARC Data and Resource Center Cores and Steering Committee
Overview of the SPARC initiative's Data and Resource Center
The SPARC Data and Resource Center (DRC) is charged with creating a publicly available, multifunctional online hub facilitating coordination, synthesis, and prediction via four core functions: Data Coordination, Map Synthesis, Modeling and Simulation, and Knowledge Management. Funded investigators who are producing data, models, and tools closely coordinate with the DRC.
The DRC is organized into 4 Cores:
Data Coordination Core (DAT-Core) – Stores, organizes, manages, and tracks access to SPARC-generated data and resources (PI = Joost Wagenaar, University of Pennsylvania)
Knowledge Management Core (K-Core) – Curation and knowledge management hub for SPARC. Works closely with the other Cores to increase the quality and FAIRness of SPARC datasets and building the SPARC Knowledge Graph and services (PIs: Maryann Martone, University of California, San Diego; Bernard de Bono, Whitby Inc., IN).
Map Synthesis Core (MAP-Core) – Maps neural pathways from microscopy image data and associated experimental data into flatmaps and 3D scaffolds that provide a common coordinate framework for comparing and merging data across individuals and species. Builds interactive, modular, continually updated visualizations of nerve-organ anatomy and function. (PIs: Peter Hunter, University of Auckland, New Zealand; Maci Heal, MBF Bioscience, VT).
Modeling and Simulation Core (SIM-Core) – Develops an open online framework capable of establishing, hosting, connecting, executing, and sharing computational models and data analyses sustainably and reproducibly. The platform permits to create predictive, multiscale, multiphysics models spanning from modulation sources acting at feasible access points through to organ functional responses. (PI: Niels Kuster, IT’IS Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland).
External Steering Commiteee
An independent Steering Committee of outside experts provides oversight of DRC activities and provides advice to the NIH regarding the operations of the DRC. The DRC provides updates to the Steering Committee once per year. Members of the Steering Committee include:
- James Abbas, PhD, Associate Professor, Arizona State University
- Amy Bernard, PhD, (Steering Committee Chair), Director of Life Sciences, The Kavli Foundation
- Carol Bult, PhD, Professor & Knowlton Family Chair, The Jackson Laboratory
- Sharon Crook, PhD, Professor, Arizona State University
- Jack Judy, PhD, Professor & Intel Nanotechnology Chair, University of Florida
- Erika Ross, PhD, Director of Applied Research, Abbott Neuromodulation
- Amy Sterling, Executive Director, Eyewire
- Amy Walton, PhD, Program Director, National Science Foundation
Previous Steering Committee members:
- Jan Bjaalie, MD, PhD, Professor, University of Oslo
- Daniel Marcus, PhD, Professor, Washington University in St. Louis
- Arun Sridhar, PhD, Director & Head of Disease Biology, Galvani Bioelectronics
Updated about 2 months ago