Publishing your data and models to the SPARC Portal

We invite you to consider subitting your research outcomes (data, models, devices) to the SPARC Portal. Please see below for additional information.

See if your project fits the Mission of SPARC.

Review our policy about sharing of Protected Health Information (PHI) HIPAA .

Published data, models, and devices must meet SPARC standards.

Review SPARC pricing

Dataset Size1 Dataset2-5 Datasets5+ Datasets
<100 GB$2,500$2,250$2,000
100 - 500 GB$2,750$2,500$2,250
500 - 1 TB$3,000$2,750$2,500
> 1 TB$3000 + $1500 for each additional TB$2750+ $1500 for each additional TB$2500+ $1500 for each additional TB

SPARC may leverage different storage tiers (active and archival storage) depending on the activity of the dataset. Datasets will remain highly available and accessible independent of the storage tier through the SPARC Portal.


  • Those contributing more than 10 datasets or datasets over 5 TB should consider including SPARC as a coinvestigator (contact us at