August 31, 2021
about 2 years ago by Yomi Dare
- In the Gallery tab of Dataset details page, a segmentation viewer is now available for viewing relevant segmentation data.
- The SPARC Help Center presents a new help article about the SPARC Portal Data Repository Structure.
- Page flow on the Image Details page has been modified, and more metadata are now presented for each image.
- On the Event details pages, event images are now clickable and will link to an external URL of that event, where applicable.
- The News and Events page has been updated with the following fixes:
- On the Events landing page, past events are now sorted newest to oldest.
- On the News and Events page, the wording on the newsletter widget has been updated.
- On the Find Data page, text can now be properly cleared from the search bar.
- On the Tools and Resources page, the category previously titled ‘Databases’ has been renamed ‘Data and Models.’
- SPARC Portal Help Center help pages were updated to include anchor links to the SPARC glossary.
- Help articles with a Table of Contents now have a back button functionality. In a Table of Contents, clicking a link and then clicking the back button will return the user to the Table of Contents instead of the previous page.
- The SPARC Portal Help Center presents updates to the following articles
- The About SPARC page now includes SPARC's goals and their development.
- The Contact Us option in the Portal's header now accepts feedback for both dropdown options listed.