May 23, 2022
about 2 years ago by Yomi Dare
- A new help center has been added to the Portal.
- A help icon and tooltip has been added on the map sidebar to explain filter behavior.
- Within datasets, tooltips have been added to file names to prevent users from having to open the file manifest in order to see files with long names.
- On the dataset details page, the Citations tab has been renamed "References" to more accurately reflect the content it displays.
- A note has been added to the Cite tab of the dataset details page encouraging users to cite SPARC Portal data.
- The Tools and Resources tab now select the "Developed by SPARC" facet by default in order to highlight SPARC-developed tools and resources.
- From the main search, selecting Resources from the dropdown menu returns results from the tools and resources section of the Find Data tab.
- Searching for "osparc," "o2s2parc," and "o²S²PARC" all return the same results in the Help Center.
- The bladder icon featured on the homepage is now named "Urinary System" and selects for all relevant search facets.
- From a dataset details page, clicking on a flatmap brings the user to the most relevant species' flatmap available. Flatmap thumbnails have also been updated to display relevant flatmap icons.
- Updates have been added to the Biolucida image viewer to allow for easier use and a better 3D viewing experience.
- A permalink option is available within the image viewer to save viewer states. This allows users to return to the same image zoom level/slice/etc.
- A new, optional URL field has been added to the Contact Us feedback form.